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Europlacer在productronica 2013演示ii-Feed供给解决方案
来源: emasia-china.com作者: Kenny Fu时间:2019-11-27 17:40:12点击:1576

Europlacer, a manufacturer of market-leading flexible SMT placement machines, will exhibit the ii-Feed  in Hall A2, Booth #439 at the productronica International Trade Fair, scheduled to take place November 12-15, 2013 at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre in Munich, Germany.

The ii-Feed Cart has a capacity up to 33 separate component channels and accepts any mix of 8, 12, 16 or 24 mm smart ii-Feed Elements.

ii-Feed boasts many features such as a component range that begins at 01005; however, it remains fully compatible with previous Europlacer machine generations. Both the previous and updated generations of Europlacers tape trolleys can be used on the same machine. It can be operated in three different modes like the older trolley generation, (wired/wireless micro terminal, programming ii-elements separately offline, and with or without Stock Management options), making it the most flexible cart in the industry.

ii-Feed elements allow for fast setups and changeovers. The same type of element can be used for tapes (paper and plastic), full reels or short tapes. There is no need for different element models depending on component size in the same tape width. Data is automatically recognized by the machines. This benefit simplifies the operators work and further reduces feeder inventory costs.

Reels can be prepared offline in magazines for up to 11 references; the ii-Feed Cart can receive three magazines. ii-Feed elements can be stored with reels in passive shelves, allowing the Setup Help and Stock Management options to quickly locate the parts necessary for the next job.

ii-Feed elements can be placed at any trolley location, without stopping production, and because of the Europlacer turret head design, random positioning does not affect throughput. The correct loading plan is guaranteed.

For more information about Europlacers newest tape feeding solution, visit www.europlacer.com.

About Europlacer

Europlacer became a division of Parable Trust Ltd. in 2013. Europlacer has been developing machines for SMT electronics assembly since the 1970s and invented the intelligent feeder concept in the 1980s. After acquisition by Blakell Europlacer in 1991, the company moved away from split-axis to the inherently more capable X-Y architecture that underpins the companys pick-and-place machines today. Europlacers policy has been to ensure wherever possible that technology purchased many years ago, especially feeders, remain compatible with the latest pick-and-place equipment. Europlacer designs and manufactures a comprehensive range of highly flexible SMT pick-and-place systems for the global electronics industry. For more information, visit Europlacers Web site at www.europlacer.com.

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